Friday, January 30, 2015

After reading "The Necklace" by Guy de Maupassant, discuss what makes it a good short story. What elements does it contain? Think about the stories plot and structure. React to the characterization. Consider the theme. What about the point of view? How does the author's decision on point of view impact the story? And finally, what role does irony play in the success of the story?

Friday, January 23, 2015

Slavery a Pro-Life Issue?

Let's think GLOBALLY!  Tie the issue of slavery to the pro-life movement.  (Remember that the pro-life movement is not just about abortion).  In this link to St. John Paul II encyclical Evangelium Vita, you will find a section titled "What have you done?"(scroll down until you get to number 10. That is where the section starts).  Read it and explain how "slavery" is a "pro-life" issue.  Remember to focus on our theme: FREEDOM!  Then find and post a poem about being free.  Do not be afraid to think outside the box.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Stop the Ride....I want to hop on!!!!!

Welcome. You have been very busy since I have been gone.  Tell me what you have learned.  What have been your favorite assignments.  What are you finding are your strengths in AP Literature?  What readings have you enjoyed the most and what do you hope to learn during the second half of the year?