Friday, April 24, 2015

Thank You Mr. Heaney Sir!

Read the essay I gave to you about Seamus Heaney.  After reading it, consider someone you know who is completely inexperienced with poetry.  Name that person and find a poem that you think would relate to your person and tell us why. Include the poem!  Have fun with it.  You may choose a real person or a fictional character.  You may also choose a real person who is inaccessible to you, like a movie star, or an author or someone who is no longer alive.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Thank You Mary Oliver!

Carefully read the following poem by Mary Oliver. Then write a well-organized essay in which you analyze how Oliver conveys the relationship between the tree and family through the use of figurative language and other poetic techniques. 

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Spy Day

Listen to this presentation.  It is about 50 minutes total.  After listening, talk about how the author, or speaker, uses literary devices to appeal to his audience.  Then, react to the presentation.  What do you think of it.  At the end of your blog, I want you to list 3 talents you feel you have been given by God.