Friday, May 15, 2015


Find and post a graduation quote or story that you think is awesome.


  1. "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us."
    -Ralph Waldo Emerson

    It is hard to believe that high school is almost over for us. We don't have to wear our uniforms anymore, and to me that makes graduation so much more realistic. I don't want to never see our class of 2015, but I know that odds are I wont be seeing most of the people I've spent my entire life with. that scares me, but i know that better things are in store for me, you, and everyone else. I didn't know if we had to really write anything for this blog beside finding a quote or story, so I'll keep this short. I just hope that I hear good things about each and every one of you guys. we really are a family, and I hope we are able all keep in touch. Keep dreaming, and never give up on yourself, especially when no one else supports you. Each one of you has a spark that can light up the world. Never let that spark die out.

    Also, if you have the time I highly recommend watching this video. It is from a high school graduation speech from 2008. It's extremely funny, but he really hits on a lot of important points.

    1. Natalie,
      THAT VIDEO IS SO FUNNY. Sorry the caps were required. The first minute itself if beyond drawing you in. I’m not going to lie, I am extremely interested to see what the valedictorian and salutatorian speeches are for this years because they will be all about our class and our memories together. Thank you for finding this video and sharing it. The randomness it has is incredible and I feel like I can watch it over and over again. The quote is also excellent! Good work this week, see you tomorrow!

    2. Natalie,

      What an awesome pick! I really hope Our valedictorian does something silly with their speech. I know that when graduation day comes I'm going to cry because while I know I'm moving on to the part of my life when I can really get into following my own interests, I will be leaving behind the part of my life that led me there. Leaving behind all of my friends, classmates, teachers, coaches, and other individuals who have helped to shape me into the person I am today. I am so grateful for all of you and the different perspectives that you bring to my life. Natalie, I never really thought you'd pick such a silly speech but I am happy you did. I love when your happy go lucky side shows up. This was an awesome speech, and in twenty years I can' trait to laugh about all of the ridiculous things we did in high school together. Awesome pick Natalie!

    3. Natalie,
      I used to hate this quote because it was so cheesy and overused, in my opinion, but you made me love it. It really is such a perfect quote for this occasion. The rest of your blog was so sentimental, I'm not going to lie, I almost cried. But thats okay, because remember when I almost transferred to Dutch in 6th grade and you cried? Its crazy to think that I won't be seeing you all the time after literally growing up by your side. Even though you did get mad at me when I changed the barbie clothes on that computer game and you injured my bellybutton when we were tiny little kids. We have so many memories it's unreal. I'm so happy to have had you as one of my best friends throughout high school, middle school, elementary school, and life in general. Knowing that your just a few houses down (even though I've been in burg) me feel so much better. Your going to do so good in college and even better things after. Cal-U won't know what hit them this fall! <3

  2. This blog, as well as never having to wear out uniforms again and leaving on our senior class trip tomorrow, really makes graduation seem that much more realistic. I love valedictorian speeches because they tell so much about a high school career but from a student’s perspective. I could have posted some sappy, inspirational quote or video, but I decided against it and made the decision to go a different route. Our class has a bond whether we like to admit it or not.

    A funny graduation speech, which is linked here below is something that reminds me of our class. Although there is a lot of specifics in it about the class of ’10 at that particular school, I couldn’t help but put in my own names and such when the speaker was reading his speech. I mean, I thought about how happy I was that the class of ’15 sounded better than the class of 8+2 or just class of ’10. I pondered how although we really don’t have anyone that “owns” the hallways—even though the “super sophomores” try, we have people like Mr. Hanes that owns the senior hallways after lunch before the bell for 6th period rings.

    It’s true what the speaker said about a see-ya in 2-10 years because realistically, I know I won’t see some of my classmates I spent the past decade with, but I will see some of them in their dream jobs. I hope to see Kaitlin on Broadway, Ann in the Smithsonian, and so on and so forth. Graduation is not really a time to be nostalgic, but, rather, enjoy one of the last few times together as a class. I think a speech like this really portrays this. 15 days everybody!

    1. Jess,

      I don't know where you found this speech, but it was absolutely hilarious! Obviously no school is the same, but like you said, I can definitely see some of the characteristics of their school in ours. We have Sam as our future math teacher and all of our future engineers who will be working fervently on some big world projects. But, instead of thanking Subway, I think many of us would be thanking Dairy Queen and their awesome ice cream, amiright? But really Jess, I Agree with your statement of how graduation is our last opportunity to really experience our entire class and enjoy each other's company. Only fifteen days! Wooohooooo!

  3. That is a good one Natalie. I have seen it before and love it. And I love the quote you chose! Good old Ralph never lets me down.

  4. "We are here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well that death with tremble take us."
    Charles Bukowski

    "If we wait until we are ready we'll be waiting the rest of our lives."
    Lemony Snicket

    I know we were only asked to pick one quote, but I have always wanted to have these two quotes mentioned at our graduation. I think that they are very poignant for people who are starting a new portion of their lives. I know many of us feel like we are ready, we've been waiting the extent of our lives for this point, but how many of us were so worried and felt unprepared. I know I wanted to take a year off and do retreats and things for a year until I really determined what I wanted to do with my life, but I read this quote from Lemony Snicket and realized I would never be truly ready for the next step. I would forever hold on to the past portions of my life, the times when I was a child and could dream up amazing occupations for myself. I could be a linguist who traveled everywhere and never worried about airline costs or missing my family. But then I came upon the first quote and I realized that what my profession was never really mattered, nor did it matter if I was ready or not. I had to live my life in a way that I believed was the best it could be. These are the ideas that I am carrying with me as we approach graduation. I might not be ready, but who cares. It's going to happen whether we want it to or not, and we need to see past that into the new life that we will be entering into. I am excited for graduation, in fact when the first person asks me how it feels after waiting for it for twelve years I can't wait to scream, "I DID MY WAITING, TWELVE YEARS OF IT, IN HIGH SCHOOL." (You'll understand after the third Harry Potter book, Mrs. Messineo). Finally, I want to leave you guys with a pretty amazing graduation story that I discovered. This young woman, Rashema Melson, graduated at the top of her class with a 4.0 GPA, received a full ride to Georgetown University, and she did it while living in a homeless shelter in her city. Her father was murdered when she was one year old, and has obviously been through some difficulties during her life. Her speech is one of my favorites that I've ever heard, and that includes Ellen Degeneres' speech that she gave. If you have a minutes watch it, it's truly awesome.

    Ellen's speech:

    PS I hope you guys have a great time on the trip!

    1. Hannah,
      Those two quotes are absolutely perfect!! Moving on from high school kind of scares me. I know I'm ready, but I don't think I will ever be mentally prepared for the changes that will occur. I already miss everyone and we are still together. The story about the young woman was incredible. I had no words after watching it. I love Ellen. I know you also like Amy Poehler like myself, so I highly recommend watching the commencement speech she made at Harvard. It was spectacular. Hannah, I'm really going to miss you! I'm going to stop now before I begin crying because it's almost over.
      Oh, and great blog haha!

    2. Hannah,
      I love the Lemony Snicket quote. I have always loved his stories growing up. I really hope he's right on this one because even though I say I'm ready I'm not. I say it so frequently trying to convince myself that I am ready to move on. But I like how normal everything has become. Change is a good thing though. I'm just scared how much change we all are going to have to go through. It's really weird that we're the ones graduating this year. Honestly, I'm scared by how surreal this all feels, but my excitement surpasses it. Great quotes, both of them!


  5. "Try not. Do or do not. There is no try."~Yoda

    "You're only given one little spark of madness. You mustn't lose it." – Robin Williams

    These are by far my two personal favorite quotes in regards to graduation, growing up, and overall trying to make it in this crazy world of ours. The first one from Yoda is honestly my favorite quote from the Star Wars franchise. Even though it is said in that crazy old man wisdom of Yoda it makes so much sense. He is basically saying if you don't try you'll never succeed except in his Yoda fashion.

    The next quote I choose was from Robin Williams days when he was working on "Good Morning Vietnam." In regards to this quote people call me crazy all the time, so I thought this quote would be quite applicable to me. However, part of me thinks this applies to a lot of people who think that anyone taking advanced courses is crazy. It is always good to be a tad crazy because you can always think outside the box. Just like how we try to think about different interpretations for poems, or different ways to present our crazy concepts in our writings. Although booth of these quotes are definitely not the normal graduation quote, when am I ever normal?

    1. Devyn!
      I love those quotes! I've never seen Star Wars, but Yoda seems like the strangely wise character that always has something smart to say. I like how simple it is. It reminds me of what Eric says in Boy Meets World: Lose one friend, lose all friends, lose yourself. I just feel so nostalgic today and I hate it because it reminds me that graduation is literally right around the corner. Anyway, the second quote is definitely something you would choose, but I mean that in a positive way haha! Never let anyone tell you that your different interpretations and concepts are stupid. They define you and what you stand for, and that is all that matters. Great blog, and good luck in the future, Devyn!

    2. Devyn,
      That very first quote confused me and to be honest, I'm still not sure what I think about it. I have to agree with the meaning behind it though. I think it's one of those things that really make someone think. As for the second quote, I love it. It's so true and has always been on my list of ones I love. Good job this week!

    3. Devyn,
      While I must admit at I am not the biggest fan of Star Wars or Star Trek or whatever yoda is from, wasn't exactly loving that quote but I really do love Robin Williams and the quote you included from him. I think that the world could learn a lot from him. I think that the quote really relates to our class as well because our class is such a crazy one and our creativeness is something I hope we never lose. Great blog Devyn.

  6. "Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish."

    So, a graduation story that I think is awesome is all about Steve Jobs and his commencement address he gave way back in 2005. Side note, it's so weird to think that 2005 was TEN years ago?! Anyway, I honestly think that his speech was one of the best I've ever heard, and honestly, I've listened to it and read it multiple times. Part of me wants to say that I wrote about it in an essay or maybe a blog or something, but I can't fully remember. Anyway, throughout this speech, Steve Jobs basically tells three stories of his life that all played an unexpected yet extremely important part in his success, failure, and life in general. Then, at the end, he closes by telling the graduating class to "Stay Hungry" and "Stay Foolish" and I just love that quote. I think it is so true in so many ways. We should always be "hungry" for more and striving to do better and be more. At the same time, we need to stay "foolish" and not take everything so seriously, and leave room for fun. You know what they say, "ignorance is bliss."
    But seriously, I highly recommend that you all listen to his speech. Its not that long at all. And if you don't feel like listening to it, it is also written out in the link attached so you can just read it.
    And also, I love you guys. I love our AP English Literature class. I love our entire senior class. I can't wait to see what great things we all accomplish.

    1. Felicia,
      Steve Jobs is an inspiring human being. He is extremely intelligent and knows what's up. I guess he knew, past tense. However, I will listen to his speech. His story is important for everyone to remember. He was a hard worker who fought for everything he has. He didn't even go to college! What?! That's pretty neat. I hope we all can say the same thing one day. That we worked our butts off for everything we have. That's when life proves to be successful. Nice pick!

  7. "Your graduation is merely the starting point of me watching you get bald and fat on Facebook."

    Hahahahaha. Yes. Hopefully none of us become either of these things, but you know someone is bound to grow bald. (Ahem. Devyn.) JUST KIDDING! I just want to say thanks everyone for making this AP Literature journey heaven and hell. It was like creative writing class all over again. I'm going to miss you nerds. I hope you have learned just as much from me as I have learned from you. I do hope none of you go bald and/or fat on Facebook. I don't know what else to say. I'm at a loss for words, I guess. Keep editing!
